Step 1:

Kindly Submit Your Application For Your Luxurious Guided Psilocybin Journey


Please note that we have a created a three step process that we move through with you for your journey with The Journeymen Collective.


Embarking on the path of discovery and exploration of your consciousness is one of the greatest gifts you can honour in this life time. The Journeymen Collective are with you every step of the way. We will walk beside you throughout this deeply transformative expansion of self.




Do you have a deep sense that you have untapped potential laying dormant within and you simply have yet to be shown how to access the universe inside you?


The Journeymen Collective are here to help you answer the call of that inner knowing so that you create a visionary reality.


The journey with us is a luxurious educational experience that provides access to a deeply profound transformation that impacts people for their entire life.  


We live into our higher purpose by curating bespoke journeys for our people who are willing to take on the intensive process of clearing out the energy that no longer serves so that each person connects into their infinite multidimensional universe within Self.


Contact Information

[email protected]

About Us

Journey Within


Apply to Connect


Magical Insights


